1988 Zou het pijn doen? concert for el. gtr. + windsenemble ereprijs.bandcamp
1990 The Amsterdam Guitar Trio plays Chiel Meijering amazon.com muziekweb
1991 Hypomania (Ricciotti Ensemble) BVHaast CD 9110 ricciotti-ensemblemuziekweb.nl
1992 I like rats, ’n Haar op mijn hoofd (Amsterdam Sax. Quartet) Sosta 35011-2 muziekweb
1993 A Lady shaves her Legs Annelie de Man) Erasmus WVH 072
1995 No pain, no gain (Miny Dekkers/Henri Bok) challengerecords
1995 La belle dame sans merci (Pieter Wispelwey) Channel Classics CCS 7495
1996 St. Louis Blues New Opera Series Donemus CV neos 01-02 muziekweb
1996 Een paard met vijf poten (Loeki Stardust Quartet) channelclassics
1997 Cobla Principal d’Amsterdam met “Trekganzen” (Syncoop 5757 cd 211) muziekweb
1997 Suburbanality (Brabants Sax. kwartet) (Casa nova records cnr ch-9501) muziekcentrum
1997 Here I come (rap and poporchestra) Cd “With a little help from my friends”Pias
1998 Autobahnkrieg (Different worlds) Erasmus WVH 237 het carillonmuziekweb
1999 Janine Jansen- La Vengeance d’une femme – release muziekweb
2000 Rin tin tin “Dialogue” – Amuse-Oreille : gitaar+mandoline – release
2000 “Sitting Ducks” – Sirena – blokfluitkwartet – bis-cd-1112 muziekweb buy
2003 “The Girlsssss Collection (the Mondriaan Quartet) Muziekweb
2003 Koh-I-Noor saxophonequartets from the Netherlands (with: Background music for non-entertainment use in order to cover unwanted noise) muziekweb
2004 Matangi stringquartet-Bats from hell muziekweb
2004 Dubbelduet-Bushpatrol E. v. Regteren Altena/Jacqueline Hamelink cello muziekweb
2005 Alzheimer Opera – iTunes
2006 Parrots in Tunesia (Koos Verheul, Jan van der Meer) GLO 5130 prestomusic
2007 Jeroen van Veen – Minimal Piano II CD VI volume15 jeroenvanveen.com
2008 Esther Steenbergen, Eric Calmes, Theodor Milkov – slip between my lips muziekweb
2008 Quad sax. quartet – Now boarding QuadProductions001
2009 Upper Cut – Alex de Leeuw/Guido Nielsen : bariton sax + piano buy
2010 Candybox – Matangi Quartet- title: Caixa de Dolços bol.com muziekweb
2010 Discovering Dutch Ensembles- Doelen Ensemble
title: Great themes on vain glory – Radio Nederland Wereldomroepwereld omroep
2011 Spark – Downtown Illusions : Ars 38084 [SACD] muziekweb
2011 Don’t shoot at the Saxophone player-Henrique PortovedoHenrique
2012 A bird’s eye view The accordion in contemporary Netherlands amazon.com
2012 The pizza-connection Vintage of European saxophone music discogs.com
2012 Duo Attema/Haring Chacha soundcloud & Harpe Diem soundcloud
2012 i Flautisti – the London recorder quartet – Spring will be Great
2013 Accordionduo Toeac – Rhythm of straight lines – Daponte classics DPC2013001
Het ontblote feit (De Ereprijs) Klimop 003
2012 Min(g)us one (Eric van der Westen’s Quadrant) challengerecords
2014 Amber and Cream – by Duo Mares amazon.com
2015 Spark – Wild territories (When the cock crowed his warning, candybox, silver falls in the heart of the forest, cruiser, Beyoncé) prestomusic
2015 Tr8acks Cello Octet Amsterdam, title: Storms and Pain buy youtube
2015 Suck it up ! amazon.com
2015 Rock That Flute – Dan Laurin & 1B1 – BIS-2145 BIS records AB, Sweden
(buy bol.com) — > REVIEW & iTunes
2015 The Girls collection (for 4 guitars) – amazon.com
2017 A place of Coolness-LP duo amazon
2017 Carosello di fantasie – (Uppercut) prestomusic
Uppercut (part 1)
Uppercut (part 2)
Uppercut (part 3)
2018 Banda Sinfónica-Transmutes (part 1:The one punch man, part 2:Transmutations, part 3 Pully Pully) prestomusic
2019 Candybox (Caixa de Dolços) (Huijnen & Hopman) prestomusic
Albums with Kathleen McLean (bassoon) –(2019/2020)
Nightride (spotify)
Happy Hours (Spotify) buy score amazon
Guilty Pleasures spotify album
check out for more prestomusic.com/Chiel Meijering

The polished playing of trombonist Jörgen van Rijen always captures the essence of a piece ★★★★☆
Jenny Camilleri12 January 2023, 10:36
Chamber music works for trombone are few and far between. There is a large gulf, especially between baroque and contemporary music. Jörgen van Rijen, principal trombonist of the Concertgebouw Orchestra, and the Alma Quartet fill the gap with arrangements of the standard repertoire for trombone and string quartet. Van Rijen’s polished playing always captures the essence of a piece – tragic beauty in a lamentation by Fauré, sunshine in Schumann’s Fantasiestücke, deep melancholy in Gnossienne No. 1 from Satie.
The excellent (together) playing turns these retranslations of well-known pieces into delightful rediscoveries. Van Rijen links them to contemporary compositions, written or arranged for this quintet, which surprise with their stylistic diversity. Martijn Paddings Schumann’s Last Procession is a bumbling, moving portrait of the composer as a psychiatric patient. Notable is Nico Muhly’s All Perfections Keep, a series of imaginative variations on a song by John Dowland. Van Rijen virtuously glides and blares through the dazzling closing number, Rock That Trombone by Chiel Meijering.
Jörgen van Rijen
Mirrored in Time